Jobs and the Economy

My 2020 Position

I ran to help provide much needed investments in our community with an eye toward the future. My goal was to promote economic growth through clean energy jobs, the legal marijuana industry, and the new Rockford casino.

I promised to focus on utilizing our natural and renewable energy sources instead of wasting away our limited supply of non-renewable resources. 

I promised I would work with local leaders, business partners, and economic development groups to set up a local small business incubator

What I’ve Accomplished

I Sponsored "The Clean Energy Jobs Act" (CEJA), which kept the Exelon Plant in Byron operating, saved thousands of local jobs, will continue to create jobs for years to come, and prevented a substantial energy rate hike.

I Sponsored "The Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois (REV) Act," which incentivized the Belvidere Stellantis (formerly Chrysler) assembly plant to reinvest in manufacturing electric vehicles, and create sustainable jobs in our area.

I Co-Sponsored legislation including SB 2408 to increase wind, solar, and other forms of renewable energy in Illinois, which will create 1,000's jobs in the local economy over the next decade.

I sponsored HB 4214 to give tax credits for small businesses to help them recruit and retain employees in a tough jobs market by helping them provide benefits.

Future Plans

I will continue to create and support legislation that will retain and create good, high-paying jobs in our local economy. I will work to incorporate State reliance on renewable energy sources, such as wind/solar projects, to lighten the tax burden on non-renewable resources. I will continue to fight for local manufacturers such as The Belvidere Stellantis Plant, to keep them operating, prospering, and in our area.