Ethics & Accountability

My 2020 Position

In 2020 I wanted to prohibit legislators from simultaneously being lobbyists, strengthen disclosure rules for lobbyists, and make former legislators wait five years until they are able to become lobbyists.

What I’ve Accomplished

I Co-Sponsored SB 0539, which amended the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act to prohibit legislators from campaign fundraising while in Springfield for the legislative session, prohibited lawmakers from serving as a lawmaker and lobbyist at the same time, strengthened disclosure rules for lobbyists working at the state and local level. This bill expanded the scope of revolving door restrictions to make sure legislators cannot become lobbyists until they have been done with their government positions for more than a year.

Future Plans

While SB 0539 is a good start, I am not content with only a one year revolving door lobbying restriction. While in Springfield, I will continue to push for a five year ban on lobbying after legislators have finished their positions in state government.